About Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM

Hi, I'm Brie Wieselman
I believe that good health is the springboard for living an inspired life. I’ve worked with thousands of people over the last 17 years, from all around the world, to help give them a map for what happened to their health and why, and to empower them with an understanding of what steps to take to resolve their health issues for good.
I found my way into medicine because, like you, I’ve had my own health journey.
- Severe childhood asthma
- Out-of-control female hormones and a missing period
- Daily IBS including constant bloating and gas
- Chronic Insomnia for 6 years in my 20s
- Low thyroid hormones/Hypothyroidism
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
I know first-hand what it’s like to not feel good. And, I know that when we identify the underlying root causes of disease, the roadmap to health becomes crystal clear.
I am a huge believer in the body’s innate ability to heal.
Meaning that I believe in the best that eastern philosophies have to offer and the best in western medical ideas. There’s a middle way that I’ve found to be the most effective and lasting to repair even lifelong chronic issues like I had.
Here’s The 3 Most Important things I Believe About Health:

1: The Gut Is the Key to Your Health.
If you want to live a long, healthy, vibrant life, you’re going to want to digest and assimilate all of the nutrients in that high-quality, organic food. And, you want to nurture a thriving, robust, diverse community of good bugs! If you’re dealing with the discomfort of daily gas, bloating, reflux, constipation, or diarrhea, it’s a logical jump that something in the gut is off. But what if your symptoms aren’t digestive, but rather, related to your menstrual cycle, anemia, your skin, your mood and brain, or your immune system and energy? Guess what; there may still be some bad guys taking residence in your gut, silently, that could be a main driver of the outside-the-gut symptoms that you’re struggling with!

2: You can’t fix your hormones without fixing the gut. And vice-versa!
I had to learn this the hard way! Gut health and hormones are a two-way street. Your hormones influence the function and health of digestive tract every day. And, your gut (and the bacteria that live there) actually regulate your hormone production, balance and clearance. Hormone replacement and Hormone reprogramming for natural hormone balance are not the same thing.

3: More drugs aren’t the answer (and there’s no simple fix).
Don’t get me wrong, when used appropriately, prescription drugs can be lifesaving. But in the case of chronic health issues like IBS, PMS, and lack of energy, the drugs are often part of what caused the problem.
An incredibly high percentage of my clients report having taken multiple antibiotics, Acutane (for acne in their teens), steroid drugs for allergies or inflammation, or the Birth Control Pill, to handle their period-related problems. What each of these drugs has in common is that they are known to weaken the microbiome, leaving our guts vulnerable to infections and leaky gut.
What People Say

“I thank my lucky stars to have found someone as knowledgeable as Brie. While I was initially skeptical that an acupuncturist practicing on-line could possibly help me, she easily got to the root cause of my symptoms, when medical doctors and naturopath were clueless.”

“I found Brie at just the right time, because within a month or so we discovered that I was also suffering from autoimmunity, and she was just the practitioner I needed to get all these issues under control and into remission in a holistic way, without resorting to a lifetime of meds or living in pain. She was always superb at making me feel better emotionally through tough times and giving me a boost in confidence, making me believe I could achieve anything in my health journey!
Within months, my gut was a million times better, my HPA axis had improved greatly (hormones and adrenals), and best of all signs of my autoimmunity were gone. I was feeling the best I had in years and it wasn’t a fluke this time, it was the real deal. No setbacks.” ~Tawnee Gibson, MS, CSCS, CISSN

“I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have found you. I had felt terrible for so long and had seen various doctors and tried many different things. I was in a place where I thought I needed to accept my new normal of feeling terrible and anxious all the time. I know I told you before, but I truly feel like a weight has been lifted and I am myself again. I haven’t felt this good in over 8 years! Thank you for your kindness, patience, and expertise. I am forever grateful.” ~A. V.
Putting the Body Back Together Is An Art (and a science)
Dealing with digestive problems on the daily is a drag. Losing your cool (and half your month) to unfair female hormone problems is maddening!
Being a woman doesn’t have to suck. You deserve to LOVE living in your body.
If you feel like your doing everything right…
- Green juices
- Kale (oh god–no more kale — and why not spinach?)
- Yoga, training, hiking– moving!
- The Calm app (or any other kind of meditation)
- Seeing a “top doctor”
But you still find yourself in the “this is painful” being a human place, I want to help.
Whether you have…
- Really painful PMS (or just annoying stuff)
- Issues eating out — and running to the bathroom
- Problems fitting into your pants due to bloating, just because of one bite of specific foods.
- Stuck on the Pill and wanting to get pregnant
- Skin rashes, blemishes and acne
- And all the other modern women issues we deal with
I’m your home-base to actually handle them from the inside out — once and for all. Together we can create the map for how you got here, and that gives us a pathway to follow to heal and resolve these issues for good.
Click the link below to learn more about my Free 15-minute Gut and Hormone Troubleshooting Session where we’ll explore your health history in more detail and identify some of the top root causes of your symptoms.
I look forward to meeting you soon,

Whether you’re looking for help with your gut, your hormones, or both, our team of practitioners work together to treat the WHOLE you – guiding you to a healthier mind, body, and spirit day by day.