Group Format Program FAQ

$247 a month with a one time $50 enrollment fee.

Initially, 2 call times per week will be offered. We may add more hours depending on demand.

You may attend as many as 4 calls per month. Calls will be Mondays 1pm-2pm PST and Wednesdays 11 am-12 pm PST initially. We may add evening hours soon.

You are welcome to message us with your questions at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled call, and Brie will address your question during the call. Members will have access to all recorded calls as they are posted.

If you are enrolled in the membership, the calls are all group format. You may schedule in the limited office hours slots that will be offered bi-monthly. These spots will be reserved for people with a need to discuss something in private or an issue requiring more complex discussion, per our discussion, and will be limited to 20 minutes. You may not book more than one of these per month, and are not guaranteed availability of an office hours appointment.

In place of email communication, you may ask your questions on calls, or on a community platform called Skool that you will be invited to upon enrollment. The Skool program is an app that you download, and is similar in function to a Facebook group, but on a private platform reserved only for our members. Questions will be answered in the order they are asked.

Yes. However, you will need to pay the enrollment fee again, and will not have access to the Skool platform or calls in order to get support or ask questions. We will also not offer email access if membership is paused or discontinued.

Yes. You will have your questions answered, and may even ask to have your labs reviewed. Rather than detail every point on a lab, Brie will offer review of the meaningful, actionable results. You may choose to opt for an open discussion of your labs, or, may request to have your results anonymized, and Brie will review main points without discussing any identifying criteria such as your name, etc. You may also ask questions anonymously by emailing them in, and Brie will answer them without naming you if you would prefer this to a discussion on the call.

Clients on ongoing BHRT, who only want monitoring and adjustment can pay $918 for the year for 2 months of program access without enrollment fee, plus 2 DUTCH Reproductive Hormone Panels for hormone dosage management and monitoring. This price includes the monitoring lab panel, review of lab results, and adjustment of protocol.

Yes. We are credentialed through a program called TrueMed to allow for has/FSA funding towards this group program. Enquire with the office for details and to apply.

Your payments could be eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement. Qualify here.