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How To Relieve Constipation in Children

I’m a gut health expert, who has done everything “right”... and my toddler daughter has been struggling with constipation! Yes, it feels a little vulnerable to tell you this, but above all else I…

Fiber and Veggie Muffins

Here’s one of my favorite recipes for muffins - kids love it, and it packs a great dose of fiber and veggies. Ingredients 1 and 1/2 cups Paleo Flour or Gluten Free Baking Flour (which happens to be…

How Diet and Nutrition Can Help Thyroid Issues

Fatigue that no amount of caffeine can shake, uncomfortable constipation, and wait… is that a bald spot??? These are just some of the key symptoms of Hashimoto’s Disease, the most common cause of…

How To Detox Your Body The Right Way

So you’ve decided to go on a detox cleanse. Maybe you’re starting a seven-day cleanse. Or you’re going on a juice fast. NEWSFLASH! Neither of these methods are true detoxification, the kind that can…

How to Heal Skin Rashes and Eczema in Kids

One of the absolute worst things a parent can experience is a sick child, especially a baby or toddler. Watching them suffer brings on a visceral feeling only another parent can understand.  I've…

What Causes Diarrhea in Adults and How to Stop It

Diarrhea can take control of your life. I’m not talking about the average tummy bug kind of diarrhea. I’m talking about the type of diarrhea that lasts for days, weeks, months, or even years…chronic…

It Takes Two To Tango: Testing Your Household for Candida Overgrowth and Common Bugs

You’ve done a full lab work-up with a functional medicine provider and found out you’ve got an overgrowth of some bugs. Maybe Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), Candida albicans, and protozoan gut…

How to Naturally Slow the Aging Process and Get Glowing Skin

One of the most common questions I get is “What do you do for your skin?” And while I have a lot more to share than just “beauty secrets,” this question never annoys me, because truth be told… I am…

What Causes Chronic Constipation in Adults and How to Relieve It

You’re all plugged up and can’t poop. You feel more backed up than a rush hour traffic jam.   Maybe it feels like there’s something in there that refuses to budge. Your stomach is so bloated it looks…

A Functional Medicine Approach to Healing IBS

So, your doctor says you have IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This diagnosis can either feel like a relief or a nightmare. On the one hand, an IBS diagnosis means some of the causes of digestive…

Whether you’re looking for help with your gut, your hormones, or both, our team of practitioners work together to treat the WHOLE you – guiding you to a healthier mind, body, and spirit day by day.

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