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Recurrent UTIs: Why They Happen & How To Make Them Stop

If you’ve felt it… you know that burn. The dread washes over you…it’s back again. You know what’s in store: the burning, of course…constantly feeling like you need to find a bathroom… another trip to…

The SIBO Testing Mistake I See All The Time (And How To Test For This Common Condition The Right Way)

Last week I had a consultation with a new patient who had the gut symptoms I see all the time: bloating, food intolerances, and bowel disturbances (yes, I’m talking constipation and diarrhea!). After…

What We Know (& Can Do) About Coronavirus So Far

There’s only one topic on everyone's minds and hearts right now: coronavirus.    And as a health practitioner, I can’t ignore it!    Unfortunately, there is so much bad information out…

Endometriosis 101 Part 2: How I Help My Patients Dealing with Endometriosis

Check out "Endometriosis 101 Part 1: What Is this Condition & Why Is it Happening to Me?" HERE While functional medicine practitioners don’t know with certainty the root cause of endometriosis…

Endometriosis 101 Part 1: What Is this Condition & Why Is it Happening to Me?

Check out "Endometriosis 101 Part 2: How I Help My Patients Dealing with Endometriosis" HERE.  You might have heard me say this before: Your period is not a curse. The truth is that your period is…

A Functional Medicine Practitioner-Designed Postpartum Recovery Plan (For Mom & Baby)

It’s hard to believe my baby girl is coming up on 5 months old already! All the mamas out there know… the postpartum period is a whirlwind! Not only are you adjusting to taking care of baby, but your…

Everything You Need To Know About Candida Overgrowth (Part 3)

In Part 1 of this series, I covered what Candida is (and isn’t) and how it could be present in your body. In Part 2, I covered the symptoms and root causes. Today, we’re going to talk testing for and…

Everything You Need To Know About Candida Overgrowth (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, I covered what Candida is (and isn’t) and how it could be present in your body. In Part 2, we’re going to cover the symptoms and root causes. Be sure to look for Part 3 (all…

Everything You Need To Know About Candida Overgrowth (Part 1)

Depending on who you ask, Candida overgrowth is either entirely made up or the root of all disease.  Some experts claim as much as 90% of people have chronic candida overgrowth and it causes a gamut…

My Not-So-Glowing Pregnancy Truth: How I Wound Up With Gestational Diabetes (And What I’m Doing About It)

I’ve been really lucky to enjoy every moment of my pregnancy so far. I feel good. I’ll even say I’m “glowing”! I’m so excited to become a mom and really enjoying the journey. But my pregnancy joy…

Whether you’re looking for help with your gut, your hormones, or both, our team of practitioners work together to treat the WHOLE you – guiding you to a healthier mind, body, and spirit day by day.

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